". . . Life is tough, but it can't change the nature of who God is. Personally, I don't care if I live to be 100, I just want to live my life for God no matter what life throws my way. I want to live to make an eternal impact for His Kingdom. Because I know that life is far to precious to be wasted on temporary things of this world. I know life's tough, but I also know that God is good no matter what we face. . ."
Whether I live to be 100 years old or not, isn't of my concern. Like the comment I said on her status, I just want to live my life for God no matter what happens. I know it's tough to live with the mind-set of "Even if life doesn't go my way, I'll still follow You no matter what. . ." But I also know it's worth it. I've been through a lot in my 17 years of life, I didn't ask for it, but God somehow turned things around and made them work for my good. (Romans 8:28)I remember in 2008 (10/17/2008) when I gave my life to Jesus, I made a statement that no matter what happens to me from the moment on, I'd follow Him no matter what. I meant it then, and I mean it now. I want my life to show it, too.
By the way, here's a picture I put together for the meaning of Even If... I wasn't even paying attention when I put the little stick people and the clouds/rain/sun on here:
Those little stick figures and the clouds/rain/sun mean that no matter what life brings, God's going to be praised even in the storm. I never want to live my life with the Only If mind-set. . . All that one says is "I'll follow You God, only if I don't have to go through this or do that. . ." or "I'll continue to follow you only if I can see immediate results from my life being lived for You. . ." Those with the Only If mind-set seem to only fizzle out somewhere along the way because life doesn't go their way.
I know this probably won't be long, but that's okay. I just know that these past few days, God has really been breaking my heart and giving me the desire to be a person who goes after His own heart. It's tough, and can be painful. But I don't care. It may take a lifetime to see an impact from my life on this world, and I'm okay with that. Because at the end of my life, I don't care if people know who I am, I just care about them knowing who He is. I only want to chase what matters and what will last into eternity.
As I posted from Twitter to Facebook, "From life's first cry to my final resting position; I want my life to count for something greater than myself." I know I've been told I inspire people, but sometimes, it's hard to feel that way. I know it's true though because I've heard people say it so much, and I've seen God use what I'd write to inspire me to continue to live for Him.
It's difficult. But I don't plan on giving up or giving in any time soon. I plan on giving it all I've got no matter what happens.
This wasn't how I intended for this to be written, but that's how I felt it needed to go.
Well, it's not long, but I pray you got something out of this. Because now I am tired and should've gone to bed an hour ago. .