Monday, February 17, 2020

26 lessons in 26 years of life

I figured that since I've recently turned 26 that I'd take some time to share 26 things that I've learned along the way. I certainly have a lot left to learn but here's what I've got so far:

1. Jesus changes everything.

2. I am loved... Even when I don't feel it.

3. I am seen... Even when no one notices me or responds back.

4. I am known... Even when I think no one can understand me.

☝️ And I no longer feel the need to fight for any of those things because I realize that I already am loved, seen and known... but need to be reminded of it daily.

5. Life hurts; keep going anyway.

6. People will disappoint and sometimes it's excruciatingly painful. However, it's life. Give them grace, they're dealing with stuff too (stress, work, family, travel, etc)… or they just don't know what to do so they stay silent. Give them grace anyway... But don't be afraid to ask for what you need or even for help.

7. It's important I give myself grace as I learn to trust Jesus to pick up the pieces of my broken life.

8. Childhood emotional neglect is a real thing and many adults are suffering because of it and few know it. Be kind to them. It's not easy to undo the first years of our lives and rebuild something better... It doesn't happen overnight or as quickly as I'd like. But it will happen in time.

9. Be quick to give grace.

10. Shut up and LISTEN. You can speak later. 

11. The gospel is POWERFUL 🔥💯

12. You have a voice; let it be heard.

13. Don't bury your hope. Keep going.

14. Be intentional about being with Jesus.

15. Talk to Jesus before sending that text/pushing 'talk'.

16. I don't have a clue what I'm doing.... but I choose to trust Him that I won't screw it up.

17. Go to counseling... it's good for you.

18. I'm allowed to say "No"

19. Trust God.

20. My fatherlessness doesn't define me.

21. I don't want to care if people remember me; I just want them to know Jesus.

22. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. Then pray some more.... Repeat.

23. Take breaks from social media often. It's good for you.

24. Your emotions are valid & they matter. Just don't let them take the wheel. Ever.

25. LISTEN to those who are wise.

26. There is purpose in and for the waiting.