Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ready For The Rain

I really wasn't planning on writing this... I actually wanted to write something else. but, apparently as I begin to think about it, God is actually letting me write this and still write about what I planned on writing about... which will make what I wanted to write about make more sense. Confused? Me too. I'll just try and keep it stupidly simple and use words in a way that one may understand... and not use confusing terms that NO ONE knows what they mean... except if you're like really smart and went to college, like doctors and their words that make them look smart...

whatever, I'll just get to the point of this already.

I'm only writing this because I noticed a status by a certain someone on facebook, and I thought he was an atheist since the time I met him... it turns out he's a mormon.

I did have a nice little conversation with him about an hour ago, I was freaked out, but oddly enough, I loved it...

but anyways, I was flipping through the music on my mp3 player (if you haven't gotten the hint by now, I love music and it really makes me think about things... and I end up writing about over half of them) and I came across the song 'Ready For The Rain' by Phillips, Craig & Dean and it really made me think... and almost made me cry a few times. ((Only because God is amazing.. and I'm ready for the rain.))

"Give me faith to see a new reflection
Of the man I dreamed to be
When the sun comes out tomorrow
I'll stand here as living proof
There is a blessing in the rain
Because it makes me more like You

Ready for the rain
ready for the chance to grow
it's those showers from above
that make the river flow
I'm ready for the rain

going to face a storm head on
though it dives me to my knees
that's where I'm made strong

even if those showers fall
You're still Lord above it all
so I'll look up to you for the grace
to get me through

Lord, Make me strong
I'm ready for the rain
I'm ready for a chance to grow"

(I did not find the lyrics using google... I could not find them anywhere and it made me mad a little..)

I'm convinced that this song, is like the soundtrack of my life. It's like my mind set... Why? because no matter what I'm put through, no matter what happens, He's still Lord of it all and I'll look to Him and not what others think I should do.

Because it's been with me looking to God and no one else, that's gotten me to where I am now... I love it!

Here's my question to you; are YOU ready for the rain? cuz if you're not ready, well, I'm afraid you won't know what to do when something bad happens to you or your family.

I guess I wrote this, because as I was talking to him, I "found" this song, and it made me think of two things... well, possible three.

1. bringing God up in our conversations and them possibly being close minded and a jerk to us because we dare to share the good news... and down comes the rain of rejection. Are you ready for that to happen?

2. how God has used what I've been through to draw me closer to Himself.

3. how much I really was not planning on writing on this.. but I'm loving what I'm typing.. so let's continue shall we?

"the sound of distant thunder
it would shake my world and
make my heart afraid
but I've watched my faith grow stronger
with every storm I'd walk through
and the blessing of it all
is that it brought me closer to you..."

There's something I need to say, and it has ALOT to do with the way I am today, see in October of 2008 at the youth convention thing, when I gave EVERYTHING to Jesus, I made a promise... and I've kept it.

That one promise was that even if I'm put through things that I may dislike, and no matter how much I dislike the situation, I know that God will get me through it... on his timing, not mine. I made that promise with tears rolling down my face, hands lifted and I meant it with every beath that I take.

No matter what I go through, no matter how terrible a situation is, He's still Lord of it all... and nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will ever change that!

God is someone whom no one can put into words, or a box, or anything. He's far too great for all that. So, since He is who He is... Let's praise the Lord forever and forever. amen.

I have a question for you to answer: Are you ready for that storm? Are you in one? If so, what are you going to do? Surrender everything to God? Run & Hide?

"Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."

"When the sun comes out tomorrow
I'll stand here as living proof
There is a blessing in the rain
Because it makes me more like You


the sound of distant thunder
it would shake my world and
make my heart afraid
but I've watched my faith grow stronger
with every storm I'd walk through
and the blessing of it all
is that it brought me closer to you..."

"Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

4 Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:

6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes."
- Psalm 37:3-7

- Katelyn
Ps. 115:1

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