This year alone has proved to be the toughest year in my life that I've had to go through... and to be honest, looking back at it all, no tears are shed about the pain, just a smile drawn on my face and a "Thank You, God." coming from a very greatful heart. And this song "Still The Cross" by FFH, has me smiling and paints picture in my mind of a cross, with words that are all in different colors, bright happy colors that make you smile, and they say 'Hope' , 'Peace' , 'Love' , 'Joy' , 'Life' , 'Purpose' , 'Freedom' ... etc.
I've been listening to this song by FFH for awhile now... and another song came to mind, the name of it is, On and On by Chasen... They both basically say the same thing, but with different words... but they come to one conclusion, it's still the cross... that no matter what we go through in life, God is always there for us like He has promised...
"Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you..." -Hebrews 13:5
Believe me, I know what it's like to feel completely alone, and like no one cares, and that I'm too much of screw up for people to love me any longer, I've felt like crap... My world seemed to have came crashing down around me, and honestly, it truly seemed like no one saw it happen, and even if they did, they must not have cared too much about me... because all they ever did was stand there and watch... not doing anything, or saying anything. (I was very wrong on that...)
To be honest, I've been on both sides(the one who is hurting, and the one who is trying to help, but the other person isn't willing to listen)... and they suck... they're completely terrible. I know how it feels to be on both, and it scares the heck out of people. I mean for the person hurting, alot of things are going through their mind at that time... They can be pretty stubborn at times, but don't give up hope for them... why? because when everything crashes, and our worlds come tumbling down, there's a tower of peace in the midst of heartache... it's still the cross.
It sucks on both sides of it, but to be honest, on the hurting side, I've learned alot from all of the situations... and through it all, I think it's made me rely on God more and not myself... I'm not too reassuring of myself in times of heartache... I'm shaken, scared, and everything else... but God's not. He feels our pain, and He still loves us no matter what we do, say, or don't do or don't say....
And going through the pain, and learning to rely on God more, helps in times like these when someone I know is going through something that I don't know how to respond to... and therefore, I must trust in God and pray for a lot of paitence and love for this person. It's hard, I know... but there's still hope for us all yet. Knowing God and trusting Him with these situations is hard to do, I gotta admit. but I know it'll all be worth it in the end... and no more tears will be shed, just smiles drawn on our faces, and a "Thank You, God." from greatful hearts.
-- Kate :)
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