Sunday, October 31, 2010

God Said It... So Do It.

These past two nights, have made me think about my friends who don't know Jesus... It breaks my heart to know and see people who don't know Jesus. I don't know how they can just go through the motions of life, and believe that that's all that life is and there's simply nothing more. I don't see how anyone can be convinced of that, I think deep deep down they know there's more to this life than just going through the motions and just doing things without putting much, if any, thought into what or why they're doing what they do. I just don't get it. And there's something else I don't understand...

I've heard, and have been one of these people, Christians say they love Jesus, and that He's the coolest dude ever, and I agree... but what I don't get, is if we really do believe all this stuff about God, Heaven and Hell, then why the heck aren't we doing more?! I'm aware we can't do everything, so does that mean we resolve to doing nothing? No. I know that I'm a young person, and I can't do everything, but I absolustely refuse to do nothing.

I know to some I'm just a teenager, who, by their opinion can't do much, or just doesn't care about taking my responsibilities seriously. But it doesn't matter to God if I'm a teenager, a 60 year old man/woman, or a two month old kid, God will use whomever He pleases and whenever He chooses to do so. He is God, you are not... Stop trying to tell Him what to do.. He never listens anyway. Why should He? He's God. There's no need for Him to do some sort of "check-in" with us to see if whatever He's planning is "okay" with us. Look, God's not going to call you on your cell phone and see if His plans are okay with you. His knows His plans are good, better yet wonderful beyond all human understanding.

I know things are tough and life's not the easiest thing invented, even Jesus was aware of that. Whatever you believe about Jesus, He's no idiot. Look at what He says about life here on earth... He's aware things aren't easy, and that we'll need something, someone to hold us up when times are tough...

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

For me, life has been the toughest, yet greatest thing ever. It's gotten a lot tougher ever since October, 17th, 2008. Let's just say, I gave my life to Jesus.. even though I was raised in church, and called myself a "Christian". Yeah, right. I was no Christian, that's for sure. Sure I never have drank, or smoked, or done drugs in my life, but it's sin that's the problem. It's a heart issue, and I need Jesus. I'm not perfect by any means. Believe it or not, this teenager still screws up... but I don't want to use God's grace as a licence to do whatever I please, because after all, He does forgive. He is a God of forgiveness, but He is still a Just God.
We shouldn't water that down, He is who is.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

There's another thing on my mind, that goes with this a lot. It's about your friends and the powerful message of the Gospel. Have you shared Jesus with your friends lately? If you're having a tough time answering that, then let me give you a challenge, that I'm praying you'll accept... It's my challenge, and God's command.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:19

Why should you do this?

1. God said so.
2. There's a literally place called Hell. (Yes, I know, it's apart of our belief system that people hate to talk about..)
3. It's not just about the Hell that your friends are going to, but the Hell they are going through. Save them from both by sharing the message the transformed your life... and remember that time when someone shared Jesus with you, and what happened to you when you accepted Him.


share Jesus with 3 people this week...however you choose to do so, is up to you. Just get the word out. and BE CLEAR!!!!!! and ask questions and ask them at the end if it makes sense, and if it doesn't, ask them what doesn't make sense and re-explain clearer.

ohh since I'm being rushed, I'll give you a link or two to help you out.

go to the Dare 2 Share website and watch THE Cause videos.

P.S I have expectations to hear stories... and while your on the d2s site, check out Soul Fuel.

I triple dare you! (I'm taking my own dare, btw)

- Katelyn

"He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God" Micah 6:8


  1. Wow, you are just on fire for God!! That is awesome! I will do my best to try and take this pledge with you, but I am in a far different situation than you, so no promises, but neither am I doubting the capability of God. Over the summer God has shown me some really cool things in my life, and I wanted to suggest two books for you to possible look into if you have time; The first one is: The Christian Atheist, by Craig Groeschel. The Second is called: Radical, by David Platt. I am only in the middle of the first one and am hoping to get the second one. I know God is going to do some great things through you! And through this post you have encouraged me to do something that I was feeling kinda scared about. Thanks!!

  2. Thanks John!

    I'm glad to hear it encouraged you! and you're welcome! :)

    - Katelyn

  3. I am such a big fan of you, and GOD! I love reading your blog; you inspire me to be on fire for Jesus. I'm going to take this challenge this week by sharing my faith with a couple of my friends at school that I'm not sure whether they are Christians or not. I will be back on here in a couple of days and let you know how it went (:
    Thanks for being such a great inspiration and keep up the good work!

    1 Timothy 4:12

  4. thank you Lexi!! I can't take the credit :) me even writing things like this, is a gift from God.!
    "Not to us, O Lord, Not to us. But to Your name be the glory because of Your love and faithfulness." -Psalm 115:1.
    i really appreciate the comments :)
    if you'd like, you can add me on facebook, and follow me on twitter :) :)
