For the past few hours I've just been sitting here in my room at my desk playing Kari Jobe's song "You Are For Me" over and over. The song is such a sweet reminder to me that God is for me and that He'll never leave me, not for a moment. I've just been thinking a lot lately about dating and marriage. I'm not married and I'm not dating anyone at the moment... But this is such a huge thing for me and I can't afford to mess it up at all. This is something that I have to get right the first time around. I don't want to rush into anything, I just want to be patient and know that God's timing is always right and that His plans for my life are good and wonderful. I don't want to mess them up by making dumb choices when it comes to dating or marrying a guy.
I haven't always prayed for the one I'll one day be blessed to marry...But I'm changing that now. I've seen a marriage/family fall apart and I've seen a marriage that's really living out the "in sickness and in health" part of the vows because they really love and care for each other. Lord knows I want that and that I really don't want to risk settling for anything less than what He has planned for me.
I know that I'm going to need His help and His wisdom...I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I become the woman that He's created me to be. I don't want to settle for less than His best.
I'm not going to make this much longer since I still have to go to bed. But I just wanted to finish this out by saying that if you're still single or thinking about dating a guy/girl that you really do need to pray for your future spouse and that you don't settle. I know that people out in the world just want to do everything while they're still single that they should save for marriage.... you DON'T have to follow their example. Find a godly example to follow & also, for you, become a godly example for those younger than you to follow.
Okay, that's all.
God bless and good night.
I will not settle for less than His best. I sure will find a godly example to follow and become a godly example unto others as well. God bless ya!