I'm trying to figure out how to put a book together, and I have no clue where to start. I want it to be a Christian Devotional book with my writings in it. Can any of you help me?! Mucho gracias!!
Whoever legitmatly helps me, I'll give you a free copy of it whenever I can get it published. :)
Do you already have the writings that you want to be compiled into the book? if so then you'll have a much easier time. find a central message(s) that you want all of your stories to bring out and maybe write a conclusion story/page or whatever
ReplyDeleteif you don't have the stories yet, maybe you want to do the opposite of what I just told you. think of what you want your main message or moral of the story to be and then form your stories around that!
I hope this helps :) good luck with everything, if you need more help just comment on my blog and we can communicate somehow
Well, writing is not an easy thing, but it is a blast. I'll do my best. From all of the Christian books I have read, they have an overall theme. (Radical, by David Platt, The Christian Athiest, Craig Groeschel, Honest to God, Bill Hybels. etc) The theme is like a one word/phrase overview of the entire book. Which I believe you yourself should come up with, and well, God of course. Secondly, you need to break down the entire idea into segments (Chapters) and occasionally break those down into paragraphs (It's like with a sermon, there are 3 main points. Except in a book you are not limited.)
ReplyDeleteA lot of times, you write what God has spoken to you, and as you go through it back it up with Scripture--duh--as you go. Pretty much, it is like a giant blog post broken down into Part 1, part 2, so on. Those are called chapters, as you probably know.
It is okay to reflect upon a previous chapter to prove, or put more emphasis on a point, but don't like, completely quote that entire chapter.
State your point, state your personal beliefs, back it up, and give illustrations where you can. Whether it is a story, or a personal experience. But in no particular order.
Other than that, I don't really know. I hope you get it done! Forewarning, it will get very, very hard to write. Especially in the middle, but don't give up. Don't push into your mind that it is a chore, because when it becomes a chore, the passion is over. And then there is no inspiriation behind what is written.
Good luck, God bless. I am praying that you get it written up and published!
P.S. Remember, it is okay to ask for advice, just make sure that when you ask someone about something, you trust them, and they are strong enough to know what they are talking about.
Thanks guys :)
ReplyDeleteI already have them all written... it's just the things that I've already written on here. Like the one writing I wrote titled "Don't Blink.!" and "Behind The Scenes." and others. It's ones like those that I'm putting in it... it's a devo book, so I already have them written... I just need to know what to do after that. No, I don't know how to put them all into a book, because I don't know what I'm doing, that's the thing I'm confused on. XD It's frustrating, and I'm working on praying about it more... but it's frustrating at the same time. :/
And thanks John for saying, "Don't push into your mind that it is a chore, because when it becomes a chore, the passion is over. And then there is no inspiriation behind what is written."
that's something I'm trying not to do, at times I lose, and times I win and that does or doesn't happen. I don't want it to be some "chore" that I just do, and don't know why. I want to write something that means a ton, and is something God put on my heart to share with those who read my blog.
It's a struggle, I'll admit to it.
- Kate.