My Story:: Me and my momma we're driving to my grandma's house, and I noticed two people on the street corner with the cardboard signs, and I looked over at my mom, and said "Momma," she knew that look ......on my face, which said it all. So she handed me three dollars, and waved to the lady to come over here, and I got out the car, (the lady looked really appreciative by that) and I walked over there to where she was, handed her the little bit of money that we had, and then I asked her, "Can I give you a hug?", and she gave me the hug, and then said, "Can I ask you a question?", before she finished her hug, and I said "Sure.", and with the most sincere look on her face, she said, "Do you have any water?"
I have never felt so bad in my life, I had to tell her "No." And I wish I could've helped her with that right then, but I couldn't. I have never hated that word, No, so much as I did then... There was a guy there, but I didn't get to him. (I felt a little rushed) but it made me feel so bad, tears came to my eyes and to hers. I really think she saw it on my face that I didn't want to tell her no...
and so I walked back to the car, crying... only to hear that my mom was crying too. I felt soo bad. I cried even more, when my mom asked, "What'd she say?" and I told her somehow through my tears, that she asked for some water.. It's a mome...nt I wont forget.
My own little world, isn't about me... In Ephesians 5:1, it says that we are to be imitators of God. In Matthew somewhere, Jesus says, "Whatever you have done for the least of these, you have done for me."
and then, when we arrived at my grandma's house, I told her the story, and got some money to buy them some water... and got a plastic baggy and filled it with not only some water bottles (three for each of them. six in total) and they each got an apple, two things of apple sauce, a thing of yogurt with a spoon... and the best of all, a Bible. I wrote something in the front on the page, and said to that they're loved no matter what, and that I hope to see their faces in Heaven some day. And then I placed a bookmark in the book of John and underlined John 3:16.♥
but when we got back to the spot they were originally, only the guy was still there. I was bummed she wasn't there, I tried looking for her, but didn't find her. and so I met the guy, gave him a bag of the few things, and the change from buying the water bottles.
In all honesty I have never met anyone who was more greatful, and appreciative than him. I gave him a bag with the things in it that I mentioned earlier, and the look on his face by the fact that I went out of my way to get out of the car, ...not only hand him some money, but a bag with things in it too.
I have never met anyone who was more appreciative, and grateful, and just happy to get that. I gave him a hug too. :) and he thanked me four times, I counted. :)♥
oh yeah, today also marks the day two years ago, that God rocked my world... just sayin', God's awesome.♥
here's my challenge, reach out to someone who needs Jesus this week. No excuses are acceptable. Jesus said to make disciples, so do it!! you love them don't you,? so share Jesus with them!!
it's an eternity without Him. literally. have you done your homework on hell... it's a real place, where people are headed to... do something to change that.
consider yourself challenged.

This literally made me cry!!! Why can't we all be more like that!