It's been a good start to this year.(: It's definitely blown away 2010. [Thank God.. that was one tough year on my life.. But I made it through!]
Well my 17th birthday was on the 16th this month, and it's been great. I loved the feeling of when I turned 17, it actually felt like all the crap in the past was actually behind me... It was an amazement for me, because I never thought I'd make it through the hell that I was stuck in... But I did. Not on my own, but with God and Him showing His love for me through my friends and others who truly care about me and aren't all talk. I love you guys. (:
My mind set for this year, is no different than it was almost 3 years ago when I gave my life to Jesus...
God's never promised we'll have an easy life. No matter how hard we cover our struggles up, they're still there. Running from them only makes them grow. Wounds like that don't heal when we ignore the problem and the one who will heal our broken hearts with His love... I've learned that with forgiveness, comes healing. It's tough. But it's soo worth it.
"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart because I have overcome the world." -John 16:33
My mind set is "even if"... my goal is to be real with others and myself.. (:
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