Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reach Out. Don't Freak Out.

This past week or two God has really been breaking my heart for what breaks His. It's painful, but I don't want to miss what He has planned for my life. and I don't want to miss the opportunities that He places over each and every day to reach out to someone in need of the truth that can rock their world for eternity. I know that more often then not, that I tend to think of myself first before others. And God convicts my heart on that. I know that we, as Christians are called to love like Jesus, and I know at times that that's difficult. And with that said, I remember a few days ago when my mom and me met up with my grandpa at a gas station and before we got there, I noticed an elderly looking woman was sitting on a walker/seat thing with an umbrella to block the sun and a cardboard sign.. I saw her, and my heart just broke for her. I hate seeing people out there on a hot day asking for help.

While we were at the gas station, I had gotten out of the car and went over to where my grandpa was and asked him if he had any money. and he gave me all he had - $2.00. Of course I didn't tell him what I was up to like usual. But I went in there and grabed the biggest bottle of water that I could afford with what little I had been given. And after that, we left and drove to where the lady was at. She was really grateful to have some water. and I just loved her reaction to my choosing to not just hand her some money and let her get it herself, I chose to do so myself since I was already there and I saw that she must have some physical problems. But I didn't focus on what she looked like, or walked like, or anything.. I just chose to love instead of judge.

See, this lady isn't exactly what'd you call "normal looking".. When I got home, I put in some key words in google so I could find out what condition she had... I found a picture and the name of the condition - Neurofibroma - which type 1 affects 1 in every 3,000 and type 2 affects 1 in every 50,000 people. Basically, from what I'm reading, it's a bunch of tumors on your body.. or something like that. But here's a picture of what it looks like:

From where I was when I first saw her, she had the umbrella up to block the sun so I didn't see this. (Note: the picture isn't mine, and that's not her.) All I could see was that she didn't seem to be walking too good (explains the walker thing.) and that it wasn't a good day to be out in the heat without water. At first, before we even got close to the gas station, I wanted some water.. But my need didn't seem all that important when I saw her. Although I debated with myself that I could still get me some water and give her the change.. I lost. I got convicted. and so I chose to go as God led.. which meant giving her the water and the change.
Note to self: Arguing with God never works. He knows more. (:

There is one thing I'm glad about - and that was that before I saw her up close that I was going to show that she's loved and that I didn't want her to get dehydrated by not having some water. Although I didn't get the opportunity to talk with her, I'm praying that my action showed her that she's loved and that it was an extension of God's love for her too. Although the best way to share God's love is to verbally tell someone about Him. Here's the deal - it takes risking it all to share your faith with your friends. Because it is uncool. You might lose your popularity, you might even lose some friends. Are you willing to risk it all? because I believe there's a payoff of seeing God do some pretty awesome things. Are you willing to step out in faith and watch what God does? I sure am. No matter the cost.

Need I remind that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) and greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world(1 John 4:4).. and if our God is for us, how can we lose?(Romans 8:31)

Earlier, from Twitter, I posted this: "Ready and willing to change this city for Jesus. And to go all out for God no matter the cost. Who's with me?(: #livethecause #matt2819"

So, here's the question I pose for you, are you ready and willing to change your city for Jesus? If you are, comment and let me know so I can be praying for you. and if you already are doing things to change your city for Jesus, what is it? Share some inspiration for all of us to go all out for God no matter the cost!!

I hope you got something out of that... while I was writing it, I was challenged to go all out for God. Neat how that worked, since it doesn't seem to happen very often.

THEREFORE BE imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance. - Ephesians 5:1,2

I'd like to give you all a challenge, and that is to go and share Jesus with someone, TODAY! and post in a comment how it went so I can be praying about it. GO!! May your heart be broken for the lost.


  1. This is such a great story!! Thanks for sharing

    I've made it a personal goal to try to do one selfless act of kindness every day. I don't have a story like yours to share yet, but hopefully some day I'll be as loving as you to be able to share my own story!

  2. Thanks Lexi!
    I'll be praying for you on that one. Loving people can be difficult, but we shouldn't be worried about what others think and just do what we're called to do. After all we "can do all things through Christ who gives us strength." (Phil.4:13) :] ♥
