Wednesday, July 21, 2010

.:♥:. This Fragile Breath / Something Heavenly .:♥:.

I had orginally started writing this in my journal, and really felt that I should "write" it on my blog rather than in my journal... which still, as of now, has nothing in it, because everything that I write about, I prefer to type it out and to basically expose everyone that I know and whoever runs across my blog, about the truth of Jesus.

and 'sides, I don't normally write in my journal, because everything that has been placed on my teenage heart, has been typed out and posted onto here for everyone to read and leave comments... which few have done. I post them here, on my blog for the world to see that I love Jesus, and want them to come and know Him and love Him as well like I do... Because He's absolutly undeniably incredible.

I've been listening to this one certain song for quite a while, it's called 'This Fragile Breath' and it's sung by Todd Agnew, and it's reminded me of how 'small' I am, and that all of things that I write are about God have fallen so short and that there's not one single word in the english language or in any language on earth that could fully justify the complete description of how amazing God is. I was thinking earlier as this song was playing, and it got to a certain part where Todd sang about not finding any writings that are worthy of this God high above... for what are my words compared to Yours?

Take a few minutes and listen to this song... ;

I was playing this song earlier, and I heard K-LOVE in the background playing 'Something Heavenly' by Sanctus Real... I think they just read my mind with that, because whatever is happening inside feels like choas... but peaceful. I don't get it, but with my puny brain, I don't think I will get it.

This song describes how I feel about my last two years of High School... I'm absolutly nervous about starting and leading a campus ministry. I officially start my junior year of high school in a little over three weeks, and well, I'm excited/nervous. I'm excited and nervous because I'm going to start a campus ministry, and I'm nervous because I'm leading it and I tend to be pretty shy. I guess it's a good thing that none of these people have "known" me since kindergarden. Nervous or not, I've got to do what Jesus said ... it's not a suggestion. This summer has been intense, with a ton of ups and downs that I loved/hated... but I do know one things for sure, "God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) and "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13). and "If our God is for us, then who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) but, I don't care that I'm shy, I'm ready and willing to do this. Call me UNcool, but I am UNashamed♥ ohh and please pray for my peers to be xposed to truth of Jesus.

As I was listening to one song and hearing slightly of the other one in the background, I was thinking about how awesome God is, and that He's been extremely amazing in so many ways this year... I've went through alot this year, and through all the hurt, pain and anger that I've felt and sometimes still do feel towards some people and their actions, (No, I will not tell you who they are... that is between me and God... not me, God and you. Thankyou). God has always been there for me.. even when I denied that He was there... and through it all, He's taught me three huge things.

1. be real in my relationships
2. at the end of the day, God isn't shaken by what has happened
3. love without judging (I fail at that and the first one... but I'm human... we're not perfect.)

Those three things may not mean much to you, but they mean alot to me.

1 comment:

  1. May the words that flow from your heart be the very word that saves another girl or boy to strike a fire in their heart to want to know Jesus Christ as you do.

    Many blessing upon your life and for your BRIGHT FUTURE!!!! Do not stop sharing the words that you have express here on ALL of your blogs in due time and in due season this blog will be flowing with MANY comments!!

    God Bless!
